The Idol of Security

Series: Cast Down Your Idols

Brian WeaverMarch 24, 2024Holy Week

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Passage: John 12:12-26

Living in the 21st Century has given many of us a false sense of security, of safety. While the Covid pandemic brought this idol to the forefront, it has long been in existence for the people of God. We turn to all these other idols to give to us what only God can give, the promise of everything we need in this life, and the promise of eternal life to come. As Jesus enters Jerusalem on the donkey, He knew full well that His life was at stake, yet, He continued forward for the sake of His mission – you and me. In Christ’s truth, we too cast down the idol of safety, knowing that even if they harm us, we have the hope of eternal life which can never be taken away.

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Sermons in Cast Down Your Idols