Alpha & Omega Over Grief & Death

Series: Hope Has a Name

Brian WeaverApril 9, 2023Easter

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Passage: Matthew 28:1-10

The crucifixion of their rabbi has left Jesus’ disciples scared, confused, and grieving the loss of their friend. This was the same man who rode into Jerusalem victoriously just a week earlier, and now He lay dead in a borrowed tomb. Grief and despair must have ruled the lives of His disciples in the days that followed, but in His resurrection, we have life and joy. In His resurrection, we see that the tomb was only borrowed for three days. In His resurrection, we are reminded that God the Son does not have an end because He is the beginning and the end – Alpha & Omega. Because Christ Jesus rose from the grave, so will all who believe in Him. Grief will be no more.

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Sermons in Hope Has a Name