We believe that baptism is a Sacrament, meaning, a sacred act. This sacred act is done by God in our lives. Baptism is God's promise to the individual of the forgiveness in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, of faith and mercy of God, and of eternal life. Through the waters of baptism, God calls us His beloved and redeemed people. Because baptism is an act of God, and His promise made to the individual, we believe anybody can, and should be baptized, including, adults, children and infants!
Learn More about Baptism and Why Lutheran's Baptize Everyone, including Babies.
At Peace, we believe anybody can, and should be baptized, including adults! Jesus said "Go, therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit."
Matthew 28:19
We encourage you to prayerfully consider the sacred act of baptism, as the next step on your discipleship journey. As we proclaim the Gospel, make disciples and move His mission forward to exponentially plant the Gospel through disciples who make disciples for generations to come, we pray that you would join us on this journey.
Not sure how a baptism happens, or who will baptize you? Keep scrolling down the page to get all the details you need regarding baptisms at Peace.
Ready to get baptized? Fill out the Baptism Form to begin the process of scheduling your baptism. We'll contact you soon to see how we can help you along the journey.
Not sure how a baptism happens, or who will baptize you?
Keep scrolling down the page to get all the details you need
regarding baptisms at Peace.
Ready to get baptized?
Fill out the Baptism Form to begin the process of scheduling your baptism.
We'll contact you soon to see how we can help you along the journey.
We believe that anybody can be baptized, no matter their circumstances in life. We believe that baptism is the work and promise of God in a person’s life, and that through baptism, His Spirit works faith in their heart. Therefore, because it is a work of God, it does not depend on the person’s ability to understand how God works through the water and His Word, but instead on God’s ability to work faith in their heart by His Spirit, and through the teaching of the community of His disciples that are around the individual being baptized. This means, at Peace, we baptize individuals at any stage and development in life.
Baptism, we believe, was commanded by Jesus, to His disciples in Matthew 28:18-20. In that command, Jesus promises the gifts of the Gospel, namely faith, forgiveness, and eternal life, by placing the name of God upon the person being baptized, the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. In Mark 16:16, Jesus says, “…whoever believes and is baptized, will be saved,” also conveying the truth that in baptism, one receives the gifts of salvation, namely faith, forgiveness and eternal life. Baptism is a very real experience where one can look back on the event of their baptism and remember that God worked in their life, promised them love and the gifts of salvation, and placed His name upon them, calling them His beloved child. Baptism is a gift of God that we encourage all people to receive.
Baptism is the work of God in a person’s life, where He promises to give the gifts of salvation, namely faith, forgiveness and eternal life. We also believe, in baptism, the Spirit of God begins, and in those whom faith is already present, continues, growing faith in the individual and transforming them as His beloved child and disciple.
At Peace, we do not typically practice immersive baptism. More often, we sprinkle or gently pour water upon the head of the person being baptized because we do not believe the amount of water matters, as much as the Word of God used while pouring water upon the individual. With the belief and understanding that the Word of God is what is at work in baptism, not the amount of water utilized, as the community of disciples of Jesus at Peace, we are open to further discussion about pouring water versus full immersion for those whom this is an obstacle to their being baptized.
Yes. Baptism is the work of God in a person’s life, not necessarily a covenant of membership. At Peace, when a person is baptized, unless otherwise discussed before, they are considered a “member” of Peace so that we can walk with them, encourage them in their faith as a disciple of Jesus, and continue to provide opportunities for them to grow and learn as a disciple of Jesus. But, if the individual is moving away, or is already a part of a community of disciples of Jesus, we certainly respect this, and rejoice with them in their baptism, and encourage them to continue to grow in the community of disciples Jesus calls them to.
Because we believe it is God’s promise made through the act of baptism, and we believe that God never turns back on His promises, we respect and honor baptisms that have previously in a person’s life if done in the manner in which Christ instituted baptism, namely with water and in the name of the Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. If you are concerned about the validity of your previous baptism, please do not hesitate to reach out to our pastoral staff for further discussion.
Yes, the following dates are unavailable for in service baptisms.
Private baptisms, may be available on these dates, depending on the availability of the pastoral staff. We ask that you wait for confirmation from the Church office, before making plans and arrangements for the date you have requested.
For questions regarding our belief on Baptism, contact:
For questions regarding scheduling, or filling out the baptism form, contact: