
Who We Are

Peace Students exists to encourage teens to live as disciples of Jesus through playing, growing in God's Word, and serving God's people. 

Peace Student Ministry is for all students, grades 6-12. We believe in encouraging teens in their faith during the crazy and chaotic period of adolescence. We do this through fellowship with one another, regular study of God's Word, and engaging in service in our local community.




Bible Study Leader - Student Ministry

VolunteerStudent MinistryChurchMinistriesStudents

Bible Study Leaders facilitate and lead conversations about Scripture, helping students ready the Bible and gain a better understanding of its...

Small Group Leader - Student Ministry

Student MinistryChurchMinistriesVolunteerStudents

Small Group Leaders will walk with and mentor a small group of students (6th-12th grade) throughout the school year. Small Group Leaders will help...


About Parent Cue

You are a better parent than you might realize. At least we think so. Parents, grandparents, and guardians often don’t give themselves enough credit for the remarkable job they are doing in raising kids to become good humans. Your parenting style might not be for everyone, and that’s okay. At Parent Cue, our goal is simply to cue you with what you need when you need it, so you can be the parent you want to be.

As Christians, we are united by our common belief in the Creator of the cosmos, the image of God in all people, and our faith in Jesus Christ. The Bible is the authoritative source for understanding the person of Jesus, and is instructive for the life and ministry of those who follow Him. We celebrate the family in all of its many forms, and support every caregiver’s role in raising humans to fully embrace the fullness of life they were created and redeemed to experience.

Visit The Parent Cue

About Axis

We strive to connect parents, pastors, teachers, guidance counselors, and caring adults to the teens in their lives through meaningful conversations. We do this by helping you engage in the ever-changing world of pop culture in hopes of helping your teen develop a Christian worldview and a lifelong faith in Jesus Christ.

Check out this letter from Toben Hein, Chief Operating Officer of Axis: 

Dear Fellow Parents,
Being a parent today is hard. According to Common Sense Media, the average teenager will spend about 9 hours a day with screen-based technology. Between social media apps like Tik Tok, Mixer, Discord, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitch, Marco Polo, and YouTube, video streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime, music streaming services like Apple Music and Spotify, and video games like Among Us, Fortnite, and Super Smash Bros. — there is now more competition for our time and attention than ever before.

We’re Axis, and since 2007, we’ve helped hundreds of thousands of parents navigate conversations with their teens, and we’ve spoken directly with just as many students. For over a decade, we’ve been creating resources to help bridge the gap between parents, caring adults, and the next generation. We’re a group of gospel-minded researchers, speakers, and content creators, and we’re excited to bring you the best of what we’ve learned about making meaningful connections with the teens in your life.

Visit Axis.Org Today

Luther's Small Catechism is a catechism written by Martin Luther and published in 1529 for the training of children. Luther's Small Catechism reviews the Ten Commandments, the Apostles' Creed, the Lord's Prayer, the Sacrament of Holy Baptism, the Office of the Keys and Confession and the Sacrament of the Eucharist. It is included in the Book of Concord as an authoritative statement of what Lutherans believe.

At Peace, we use the Small Catechism in Confirmation instruction. 

Access Luther's Small Catechism Here

Mental Health 

The more we learn about mental health, the more we realize how necessary it is to educate ourselves about it. We’ve collected as many resources as we could for leaders, parents, youth pastors, children’s ministers, kids, and teenagers and compiled it all in one place. We hope these resources can help us better understand WHAT mental health is and WHY it’s so important for us to safeguard our health as well as the health of others. Whether you’re a book reader, a podcast listener, or a video watcher, there’s something here for you!

To learn more, click the download button below to access a list of books, videos and podcasts that all help provide support and education to parents on topics such as depression, loneliness, mental illness, anxiety, grief and stress.


Ever wondered what’s going on with your child mentally, physically, emotionally or spiritually?

This helpful guide helps provide some basic insights into what your child(ren) may be experiencing during the many phases of their life. Download the Phase Overview below.  (The elementary Bible study curriculum used at Peace Lutheran uses much of the information gathered from the Phase research project to create meaningful learning opportunities.)


Follow us!

Student Ministry has a Facebook Group and an Instagram Account. Click the buttons below to get connected to stay up to date on events, studies, and resources, and to grow your faith through social media with us!


Discipleship Team

Kim Austin

Director of Christian Education - Student Ministry

Leah Welter

Director of Christian Education - Children's Ministry

Student Ministry FAQs

When & Where Does Student Ministry Meet?

Sunday mornings at 9:45a (for about an hour) for a time of worship, teaching and breakout discussions.

Sunday evenings at 5p (about two hours) for a time of team-building, games, and small group community time. Groups are gender based, and remain the same throughout the year.

Student Ministry mainly meets in the Student Center on the Northwest end of our campus. 

What Should You Wear to Student Ministry?

We want you to be comfortable in Student Ministry! Most students wear jeans and a tee or a blouse for both Sunday mornings and Sunday evenings. If you need to wear specific clothing (swimsuit, grunge for painting, etc). we will let you know. 

What Does Student Ministry Study?

Student Ministry studies focus on the key areas of learning:

  • Christian Living
  • Discipleship
  • Relationships
  • A Book of the Bible
  • Apologetics (defending your faith)
  • The Life of Christ
  • Identity
  • Current Events (as they come up)
When is Confirmation?

Confirmation instruction begins in 6th grade and lasts for two school years. The Confirmation teaching is wrapped into the Sunday Night Live program for middle school (Learn More about Sunday Night Live here). 

6th grade Small Group learns: The Sacraments, The Lord's Prayer and the Ten Commandments 
7th grade Small Group learns: The Apostle's Creed, Spiritual Gifts, and Discipleship

Our Confirmation Retreat happens each spring. Students will learn about the Lord's Prayer and other prayer related topics at the retreat.

Students are sent out as confirmed disciples in May of their 7th grade year.

Will my children be safe?

Your child's safety is important to us, and we take it seriously. At Peace Lutheran Church, all volunteers within Children's & Student Ministries are required to submit and pass a background check, and go through Child Safety Training. Volunteers are also given ministry specific training to serving in Student Ministry throughout the year.