
Series: Here & Now: How We Use Our Vocation & Calling

William RowlandSeptember 24, 2023

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Passage: Ephesians 1:3-14

We are chosen, predestined, and adopted as sons and daughters of the Creator of all things. This is the vocation we are placed in by God because of the redeeming blood of Jesus Christ. We may identify as mothers, fathers, sons, and daughters, but the world has even corrupted this. We attempt to choose our identity apart from God’s blessings. We confuse gender, status, and even our own adoption into Christ. We see our failures, and we call ourselves “failure”, but none of these identities surpass the fact that we were chosen in God before the foundation of the world. No matter how we confuse ourselves or how we choose to be identified, we have been sealed with the Holy Spirit. Our identity is this: Chosen Child of God.

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Sermons in Here & Now: How We Use Our Vocation & Calling


September 24, 2023
William Rowland


September 3, 2023
Travis Hartjen